SIMpoNI™ (golimumab) is the first monthly self-injectable anti-TNF
therapy for moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
ju s t
do se
m o nth
Just one dose of siM poN I™ monthly,
taken w ith the m edicine m ethotrexate,
w orks to relieve the pain, stiffness, and
sw elling of RA. Results may not be the
sam e for everyone. m ethotrexate is
taken w eekly. once you and your doctor
are com fortable w ith the self-injection
process, you w ill inject s IM p o NI™ just
once a month under the skin.
a s k your rheum atologist
if s iM p o NI™ is right for you.
please read the im portant safety
inform ation on the adjacent page.
s IM p o NI™ offers cost support for eligible patients at w w w .4 s im p o n i.c o m or call 888-4 s IM p o N I.
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